Our Partners
  1. Client Partner
    Client Partner
    You may view your relationships with your recruiters as transactional; but to us and our clients it's a partnership that starts with our first interaction with you. Retained Search Group pays attention to every detail, allowing us to be your best storyteller. Through our refined process, we match candidates who are qualified for the near term goals but have the pedigree to be long term team members.
  2. Candidate Partner
    Candidate Partner
    We've experienced firsthand how a great recruiter can change your life for the better. Retained Search Group is fully committed to the success of both our candidate clients and our business clients. We fully vet all of our recruits to ensure we are providing a long term career match and throughout our confidential process, we gain the trust of each of our recruits.
Let's Connect!
We value our partnerships and look forward to connecting with you!  Contact us at info@retainedsearchgroup.com